
Honour Roll Dedication Forest

From 1974 to 2010, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) presented over 200 Honour Roll Awards to individuals, corporations and community groups who made significant contributions to our aims and objectives.

This annual occasion provided an opportunity to publicly express our appreciation to citizens and groups who voluntarily contributed to our goals. Each award included a framed citation for the recipient and a tree planted in their honour.

The map below shows the Honour Roll Trees and Memorial Plantings at 5 Shoreham Drive and at Black Creek Pioneer Village.

In addition to these dedications, Honour Roll trees were also planted at the Kortright Centre for Conservation, Bruce’s Mill Donation Forest, Foster Woods and at several locations chosen by the recipients throughout TRCA’s jurisdiction.

Click on a tree below to see details about the contributor and tree; or, click on the index icon in the top left-hand corner of the map for a list of contributors. Click on the contributor to locate the tree.