Greening the GTA: Collaboration is Key

Released last Friday, The Living City® Report Card 2016 is TRCA’s comprehensive assessment of progress toward a sustainable Toronto region. And like most report cards — as any parent can attest — it contains a mix of good news and bad.

Leah Wong, a reporter for the municipal and regional affairs newsletter Novae Res Urbis, spoke with TRCA’s Ryan Ness to get insight into the Report Card’s key findings.

While provincial and municipal leaders clearly understand the significance of the environmental challenges facing the GTA, he told her, progress toward solutions remains slow.

READ: The Living City® Report Card: Grading the GTA’s Environmental Health

The Report Card emphasizes the need for collaboration on the part of the various levels of government, as well other community stakeholders, to realize the goal of a healthier, more sustainable GTA.

“Collective action is really the way forward,” Ness said. “We need to think and act like a region if we are going to solve our regional sustainability challenges. We haven’t quite gotten there yet. We’re still doing a lot of things individually.”

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