How TRCA STEPs up Sustainable Urban Development

Building safer, healthier, and more resilient communities is a core goal for Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) – one we share with our municipal partners and with stakeholders across many different sectors.

The Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP) is one of our vehicles for realizing this goal. A multi-agency initiative led by TRCA, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC), and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA), STEP helps to support the implementation of sustainable technologies in a Canadian context.

STEP researchers in the field

STEP’s main objective is to encourage wider adoption of technologies and practices that will help to protect water resources and reduce our carbon footprint, which in turn will lead to more sustainable and liveable communities.

A key to making this happen is bringing together leaders in the field – professionals, academics, industry organizations, and representatives from governments and conservation authorities – in ways that foster collaboration, learning, and an exchange of ideas.

That’s where the Source to Stream Conference comes in.

About Source to Stream

Source to Stream (formerly known as TRIECA) is organized by TRCA, in association with CVC and LSRCA through the STEP program.

The event brings together experts, influencers, industry leaders, NGOs, and distinguished research partners to shape the future direction of the stormwater, erosion and sediment control, and natural channel design industries.

industry presenter at the Source to Stream Conference

The two-day conference, taking place on March 22 and 23, 2023, features renowned speakers from across North America presenting the latest technological advancements, case study findings, innovative solutions, and academic research.

Source to Stream engages participants in problem-solving around industry challenges, and helps them stay current on emerging trends and advocate for policy changes.

The trade show portion of the event, meanwhile, gives participants the opportunity to learn first-hand about new products, services, and cutting-edge green initiatives.

Source to Stream Conference participant explores the industry trade show

To learn more about this unique opportunity to engage with peers and thought leaders, visit

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*Registration closes March 17, 2023.