Tommy Thompson Park

Today, we're open from 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.. See all hours.


1 Leslie St Toronto, ON M4M 3M2 Get Directions


  • Multi-Use Trail
  • Pedestrian Trails
  • Nature Trails
  • Accessibility
  • Information Kiosk & Staff Booth


Located on the Toronto waterfront, Tommy Thompson Park is a unique urban wilderness minutes from downtown.

aerial photograph of tommy thompson park

The park is located on a man-made peninsula, known as the Leslie Street Spit, which extends five kilometres into Lake Ontario and is over 500 hectares in size.

The park represents some of the largest existing natural habitat on the Toronto waterfront, encompassing. wildflower meadows, cottonwood forests, coastal marshes, cobble beaches, and sand dunes.

bird watching at tommy thompson park

Wildlife, especially birds, flourish at the park, making it one of the best nature-watching areas in the Greater Toronto Area. Other recreational opportunities include hiking, cycling, rollerblading, and fishing.

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) currently owns the land and water bodies included in Tommy Thompson Park.

Please Note:

  • All maintenance operations have been suspended; visitors use the trails at their own risk.
  • The parking lot is now open. Parking is not permitted on Outer Harbour Marina Road.

Visitor Information

  • Pets and unauthorized vehicles are not permitted at the park.
  • Poison Ivy and other poisonous plants are present at the park. Please remain on designated trails.
  • Mountain biking is not permitted, but leisure cycling is permitted on the roadways.


  • Tommy Thompson Park features 10 kilometres of accessible paved trail.


Select the image below to download a copy of the map.

wayfinding map of Tommy Thompson Park

STAY SAFE! Stay on the trails you see on the map.